At Australian Dermatology Equipment, we understand that your primary focus is providing a safe, professional and efficient service to your patients. With this at the top of our priority list, we pride ourselves on supplying quality hardware from reputable manufacturers who stand behind their products.
Our technical staff are trained by the manufacturers at their facilities. We have direct lines of communication to the manufacturers to provide the fastest resolution possible to any issues that come up, and the manufacturers are committed to providing ongoing service as required.
We are on-call and will respond as quickly as possible.
Pre-sales support includes providing advice on compliance issues in medical electrical installations, and also configuration of the clinic environment (such as ventilation, lighting, room size, access) prior to installation of the equipment. This forms part of the project management of each installation, which begins with a Site Inspection and carries through to commissioning of the equipment on siteĀ and handing it over to your staff.
We provide after-sales service and support on all the products we supply, including Installation, Training, Remote Support, Preventative Maintenance, Repairs and also responding to any challenges you may have day to day on these systems.
In terms of UV therapy devices
- Checking and cleaning of individual lamps and reflectors
- Calibration of lamp outputs with approved testing equipment
- Calibration & cleaning of UV sensors
- Replacement of air filters
- Checking of internal electrics and Protective Earth Conductor thresholds
- Electrical current leakage checks
- Removal of dust and clean
- All of which usually provides for a 10-15% improvement in the units effectiveness.
Whether your area of interest is UV photo-therapy or skin cancer or cryotherapy; Medisun, Waldmann, Vidix, Cortex or Hogies, we areĀ here to help.
Our service and support team can be contacted on 1300 468 289.